Message from SPIRIT to members of the ManKind Project
About cultural appropriation
A collection of resources that give historical context and guidance for understanding this topic.
Letter from United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Vice-Chair to MKP
Correspondence between MKP USA and SPIRIT
Beware of fake medicine men
For all those who were Indian in another life...
Sweat Lodges: No you can't. Here's Why.
Wanting To Be Indian: When Spiritual Searching Turns Into Cultural Theft
Think Before You Appropriate: Things to know and questions to ask in order to avoid misappropriating
The Violence of Forgetting (NY Times article, paywall)
The Truth About the Wounded Knee Massacre, by Patti Jo King (article)
Is nothing sacred? Article from website
Allyship & Solidarity Guidelines from the website "Unsettling America: Decolonization in Practice"
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The danger of a single story. TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Looking Horse Proclamation on the Protection of Ceremonies
America's native prisoners of war (TED talk)